Welcome to the 10th !!! yes, 10th page of customer photos. please do keep sending in the photos, we do love to see them
A bespoke build base on or CoCo's palace . Being 2 ft shorter so it could fit in the customers enclosure and having 2 "Harry's Hang Out" style boxes in place of the normal elevated beds

Had a lovely drive out the other weekend all the way down to Rhodes Minnis Cat Sanctuary in Canterbury , Kent. to deliver and assemble, a royal mews and CoCo's palace
to make a enrichment island for their SANCTUARY, where the cats are allowed to live as cats with min human contact.
both Vicky and myself was very impressed with the set up they have for the Boarding cattery and the SANCTUARY. and talking to the staff on a cold / wet Sunday afternoon, their enthusiasm comes shining through .
please feel free to give them a follow on the face book page to keep up to date with all the news.

Good afternoon David and Vicky,
It was such a pleasure meeting you both last weekend and hope you had a good journey home.
Kittens love the Mews, but being rufty tufty Muffins, ramps are for wimps, and they climb up and down on the outside poles?.
I’ve enclosed some photos but will try again when weather improves.
Thank you again,

A few photos for yesterdays delivery.
A custom build based on the royal mews and the castle. At 7ft in length , it is the biggest single frame we have built.
The customer knew the cats would fight over who had the top spot, so wanted two top spots, well away from each other . Both the customer and the cats was overjoyed with the frame and wasted n time in exploring it.

Hi David
I've got the climber painted and outside and it's a hit!! I put some catnip on the outdoor rope and they love it! The other two older cats are yet to discover it but I know they will be right up to the top!
Thanks again!

A bespoke build, that is based on our poplar sally's saloon , but with a flat roof, giving the frame an ever level to be enjoyed.
And as you can see the customer is very happy with it.
The train is great and has been well explored!
Best regards

Hi there,
We received our cat train and are very happy!
Our cat unfortunately
had to have a front leg amputated in August and we now only let her out into
the garden, and not off our property so we wanted some nice things to put in
the garden for her
Unfortunately the
weather has not been great since getting the train but she has been outside on
and off and likes sitting on one of the carriages
Many thanks

Checking out their 3rd birthday present - just delivered and installed by the fabulous cat-climbing-towers.com
I Think the best bit is two top look out spots at equal height though I’m sure they’ll still battle for supremacy

Our pair of rescue cats, Mog and Monty, would like to say a big Thank You for their amazing climbing tower, which they both love! The quality is second to none and they both enjoy sitting up high in the sunshine. Thank you Dave and Vicky for all your communication, secure packaging and fabulous climbing tower, it's puuurrrfect!

A bespoke build me made at the customer's request, based on the Sally's salon , mixed with the high rise Harry's . so the main part of the frame is razed 60cm in the air
Do you think we should add this option as a standard item ?

A bespoke build me made at the customer's request, based on the 4 tier, but having a second enclosure (enclosed on 3 sides) , located just under the top tier.
Safe to say the cat is supper please with the custom build. Do you think we should add this option as a standard item ?
Hi Dave
Just wanted to say we love our new cat tower (Barney’s penthouse), which we’ve renamed Oscar’s penthouse!! Oscar didn’t need any persuading to claim it for himself. He’s loving his new watch tower. We can’t get him in! Thanks - we can see it’s been built with care & attention to detail.
Best wishes

Hi David
I thought I would let you know that my fabulous four tier climber arrived today. I absolutely love it and so do the cats. Poppy "helped" unwrap it and loved playing among the cardboard. Once unwrapped she couldn't wait for it to be put into place, she had to climb it there and then. Poppy has been going stir crazy since we installed the cat containment system. I'm sure the climber is going to enrich her environment and, hopefully, help her to feel less frustrated and bored.
Lily isn't very well today and hardly left her bed till teatime, but the moment she she saw the climber she just had to explore. She really seemed to perk up.
I have attached a few photos of them both enjoying the climber.
Thank you so much for all your help in getting the climber to me. Just seeing the joy on Lily's face makes it all worthwhile.
Kind regards

We often get asked if our frame can take the weight and are large enough for the larger breeds!!
Next time I am asked I think I will just send them this photo, of a castle with 5 large rag dolls enjoying it.

The new cat climber is fantastic, thank you. It is beside the willow as the cats are too old to climb it now. Daisy jumped onto it before it was out of the packaging here are a few photo

Hi Dave,
I trust you got home without any problems.
Just to say thanks again for the prompt delivery. I had to go out after
you left and when I came back the cats seemed a little suspicious? in
awe? of their new toy. They settled down quite contentedly and stayed
perched on top until it got dark and they came in to see what they could
smooch off me in the way of an evening treat.
Carol got in touch, wanting to add to her all ready impressive collection of frames for her enclosure , wanting a Bespoke Royal Mews, (mirrored ).

Few photos of parents cat, Charmin enjoying his 4 tier cat frame in his protecterpet enclosure .

I couldn't resist sending this to you... Traffic... The boys love all their stands from you!
We have 2 Harry High rise and the 4 tier with cave

Hello Dave & Vicky
The “castle” arrived today. Our three cats Seren, Cari and Ceri have been enjoying exploring it, sniffing every nook and cranny. We thing it’s a hit with them. Some photos attached.

Nick has just sent us some photos of Furry and Maximus enjoying their new tower. safe to say they inspected every inch of it , and they found it to be Pawesome !!

The cat in the photo is peanut, he did not have a great start in life, and was taken in by the cat protection. X-rays showed he had some broken bones that was never fixed properly. At the age of 7, he was taking in by linda and her husband and given a new start on life.
They had a nice safe and large space (enclosure) built for him, and got in touch with us to add some enrichment for him.
1 custom coco's palace and a high rise harries , plus a cover for an our side litter tray = 1 very happy peanut :)

A new 6ft sky ladder , giving a great viewing platform over the bird feeding area.

In David Attenborough's voice.
"here we come across the CoCo's Palace , hidden deep in the bamboo growth, at 8ft tall it provides to perfect hide out location , for the apex predator, the Puddy cat !! "
It blends in great in this location and give the cat's a great viewing platform over all of their locality, whilst letting the cat feel nice and secure.

2 custom frames, called the zig zag, joined together with a sky walkway.

A custom 6ft cat pole

Hello David..Thank you so much for today’s delivery of the four tier cat tree...It’s brilliant we are very pleased and so are our two Raggies..
Charlie and Vis had a good sniff of every part within minutes of its arrival..
3 hours later they were both happily climbing up and down..
I tried to find a place to post the picture but couldn’t, so thought I would send via email..
Kind regards.
Toni, John, Vis and Charlie

A few photos from Sundays delivery, safe to say the cats are very happy.
Hi Dave and Vicky, we just want to let you know our three cats are absolutely delighted with their cat climbing towers (as are we).
We have put all four of them in the cat enclosure so our cats have an amazing activity centre to keep them occupied and fit.

Thank you so much it’s arrived already.
It was quite a workout to unpack it but within minutes of releasing the felines, all three boys had tested it out..

A few photos from today's delivery. A custom build, that is framed around 3 sky ladders that are all joined together by a sky walkway .
As you can see from the photo's all the cats was soon up the 6tf sky ladders enjoying the view iin to the neighbour's gardens and running laps around the sky walk way.
Thank you to sally for the refreshing cups of tea and lemon drizzle cake

very happy to get an email from “Chats du Quercy” a cat rescue in France who wanted to fit out their new enclosures at their Cat adoption Centre with our great frames , postage would of been imposable, due to the size of the items, but they found a transport, who was making the trip and would of been traveling back empty , so was happy to help out.
so great to see our friends overseas going so beyond the call, to give the cats in their care full enrichment.

Molly and Moses, enjoying exploring there new frame.
Avril, had one of our frames 8 years ago and it is still going strong, and is in daily use for her cats. after moving to a house with a larger enclosed garden, she wanted to and some extra enrichment and was happy to come back to us for another frame.

Kitty is loving her tower,
Thank you

Hi Dave and Vicky,
Just an email to say thanks for making a wonderful tower for our cats. They love it!

Two stunning cats enjoying their new penthouse cat frame , that allows them to be up high, but with the no roof access option , make the frame safe for use in an enclosed garden.

carol smith had this to say about our frames "I had this delivered yesterday I think it’s a hit !"

When the sun starts moving round to back midafternoon some cats too lazy to walk through to main enclosure and more choice of your climbers.
But this was the purpose of this climber in first little enclosure which catches afternoon sun by back door. Blackie on top with Taff in middle and Malibu lower level. All fairly recent additions to family - all former sad lives but not now

Gillian, got in touch. looking for a gift for her cats, who are just coming out the other side of a run of ill health. glad to say the Catanooga Choo Choo fit all the boxes and has been received so well by her cats.

Hi Dave and Vicky
Arrived yesterday and it’s a hit! Took loads of photos, just trying to decide which ones to send to you.

A bespoke build and a few custom wall shelf's, and two very happy cats.

A few photos of today's delivery, sadly the cats was very shy of us and kept away, but was watching with interest. but had the feeling that once we was out the way, they would be all over the new toys.

Coco's palace if 8ft high, but you would not believe it from this great photo angle.
The photo does make me smile, typical cat logic, all those beds and they fight to be on the same one. Lol.
Thank for the photo Tara

Hi David,
My tower arrived on Monday it's great my two love it. Attached is a photo of them exploring it XXX
Cheers Trish
Debbie says "Thank you so much, it’s actually amazing! All 7 of them have been up the top but Mack has claimed it for his own! It’s so well made, now deciding what to have next time . "

Photos just in from the Rohese Cattery based in East Sussex who have just fitter out one of their top of the range chalets with one of our Catanooga Choo Choo's.
As you can see the first guest is checking it out.

A few photos of a custom build delivered today, to be used as a hide out with a number of exits , to give a bullied cat a new found freedom.
Here we can see teddy giving his new safe house its first inspection. It passed with flying colours.

A few photos from today's delivery, two big foot sky ladders joined with a long walk way plank.
The cats was soon (after a good sniff) racing up and down the frame, and enjoying every moment of it. great enrichment in their protectapet protected garden.

a great photo of the castle frame being enjoyed by 4 rag dolls , the customer was a little worried if the frame would be big enough for her Raggie's.
i think the photo confirms just how happy she (and the cats)are with the frame.she said it was "great shot of my older Raggie (well 20 months) jumping off. They love the tree & would thoroughly recommend them"

But not his sister, who was having nothing to do with us. Lol.
Safe to safe Casper was very impressed with his new frame.
Few photos from today's delivery.
Safe to say it was a hit from the start, and we had cats on the frame all the time we was assembling the CoCo's Palace.

** Warning Cuteness Overload Incoming. **
Hi David, now that we’ve had the tower a couple of weeks, our cats are settling into using it regularly.
We thought you might be interested in a couple of photos of two of our blind rescue cats Monty and Precious on the castle, which are attached. Please feel free to use them on your website if you like.

Catanooga Choo Choo
being inspected by their new owners are starting to come in. looks like we are on to a winner here :)

photo just in from a customer, with just the one word and a photo,
we think she and the cats are very happy with the pyramid frame.

It arrived safely on Thursday, thanks.
As you can see from the attached it (play tunnel) is already in use, and a previous purchase (watch tower) is still very much in use!
Best wishes

A few photos from today's delivery.
Photos from outside of the enclosure, as the cats was a little nervous around people, but they was soon exploring the new royal mews.

photo just in from Lesly
The boys are loving their new climbing frame in their new secure protectapet garden Thank you so much.

Cookie enjoying his new toys. Jade still to be convinced! Need to extend pen now

llona say, Catio was done yesterday & I'm trying to get a decent pic of her on the tower, but you know cats
she jumps up to top & I edge up for photo & she legs it.
It's all very new to Phoebe, but loving the extra dimension to her life!
Cats just checking it out, think it gets their approval.
Best wishes

Photos just in from a customer, of a bespoke build we made for them.
They wanted a high rise harries, but in a multi cat house there is some dominance issues. So wanted the back left off the hang out so there was an escape path.
As we make each frame from scratch we was happy to build the frame to the customer requirements.
And as you can see, it is a great hit with the cats.

Millie and Star enjoying their new Pyramid!

Safe to say the new widow stepper is doing exactly what it says on the tin,
The customer is having new windows fitted with a cat flap included and wanted a safe platform for the cat to sit on as he was used to having the window open, now he is used to the window stepper they are ready to have to windows fitted.

Hi David,
We have now unpacked and treated our cat tower, or should I say Sasha's cat tower, as she has laid claim to it with gusto. We are very pleased with it and the cat loves it. Here’s a couple of photos as she is investigating. Thank you
Kind regards