Welcome to the 7th !! Page of customers photos.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to send us photos

Please find attached a couple of pictures of our cats enjoying their new outside cat tower.

Hello Dave
Thank you very much for a quick shipment and making a unique design for unique cats! Natsu and Haru (who is not on the photos) are forever grateful! :)
Thank you again!

Hi Dave and Vicky
Cat tower arrived safely and Florence and Lily are thoroughly enjoying it already!
Many thanks for your amazing enterprise!
Here's Flo and Lil enjoying their private garden!

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the fabulous climbing frame you built for Bean.
She loves it and has been sitting happily on the top level watching the birds! The ramps are great - she's only the but has a problem with her sight when trying to jump down from anything, so these work well.
And the delivery was amazing. It arrived on the Monday after the Friday that you built it.
I've been singing your praises on Facebook and to my friends generally.
Bean will have a great Christmas. Hope you do too.
Best regards

A very interesting build and installation today, an 8ft indoor frame for two very cute Bengal kittens.

The cats were curious immediately, even inspecting the watch tower from
inside the packaging as I unwrapped it. They haven't been so keen to spend
time outside since the weather turned cold the last few days, but this was
just too good to miss out on. As soon as I had removed all the packaging
(which you will be pleased to know I recycled, or saved to reuse), I stood
the tower upright and while I was deciding exactly where to place it, the
boy cat was up the top immediately happily retrieving a leaf that was caught
in the wire roof of the cat run, quickly followed by his sister to join in
the fun.
Two very happy moggies, thank you so much!
I will certainly recommend your products which are not only fun for cats,
but interesting sculptures too!
Kind Regards
Many thanks for bringing the cat tower at the weekend. As you could see Lexi and Sami thought this was good fun straight away. Their early Christmas present is much appreciated by all of us. The tower is sturdy with lots of interesting features for our cats to explore.
Kind regards
Evi and Peter

over the week end we made a delivery to Julia, of a custom mews and a custom coco's, the custom changes was to give the frames extra hiding holes as the cats was getting used to being in there new enclosure, after being free roaming one went missing for 3 weeks, only to return after being shot in the jaw!
while the cat was recuperating, all the cats was kept in, while the new cat enclosure was made. And we was tasked with giving the cats some enrichment in their new home. lots of climbing and hiding places.
Hi Dave,
How long has the wrapping been off?....15 minutes! Belle is in there already and Max has explored too. Although he is a bit more timid but he's climbed up none the less!
I am SO pleased and happy with the 5tier frame I can't tell you.
she is at the top within moments of unwrapping it ❤️
Thank you so so much.
I may be ordering something else soon, who knows...!
Kindest and happiest regards
Jo, Steve, a very happy Max and Belle too.

A customer got in touch wanting a 5 tier, and wanted to know if we could make a custom build item to cover the "ugly" outdoor litter tray.
as you can see from the photos the cats are enjoying the new frames.

Keith got in touch with us, look to add some enrichment to his new cat enclosure he has had built for his 2 rescue kittens. sadly with the heavy rain they was best kept indoors, but once the weather picks up, they have a castle, Hratios house and pyramid waiting for them.

Just done an installation at www.kitz-katz.co.uk/ Cattery. for their family sweet room, with a castle , 5 tier and pyramid there is plenty to help keep them amused.
on entering the cattery we was very impress with the lay out of the site and staff, while we was setting the frames up we got to meet a few customers, who spoke very highly of the staff.

Ray got in touch with us, with a need for a custom build frame.
After one of his cats went missing for a month he had an enclosure built, to keep them nice and safe. The cats were now nice and safe, but after being free roamers he needed some equipment to enrich their new enclosure.
Problem, a narrow door way!!
So this is when he got in touch with us,
We were happy to take on the challenge.
As you can see we took on the challenge (think ship in a bottle) and the cats love their new custom frame.
How about this for a cat adventure playground
This truly was Monster build time.
6 large frames, (most over 6ft high) all joined by walk ways.
sadly no photos of the frames in use, as the customer is waiting on the cat fencing to be finished. but updated photos including cats are promised by the very happy customer.
Sue got in touch, as one of her cats was showing dominance and bullying over the other.
working with sue and her cat Behaviorist Clare Hemington.
we was able to work out the best plan to give the cats enrichment in the garden.
as you can see they are loving the frames.
(We love the photo of them both atop the 2 high rise harries, as it looks like they are in the starting blocks)
Hi David
I hope you are having a good day.
Here are a few photos for you to see. as you can see, they are loving the 2 frames and the bridge is a big hit

Hi David
So sorry I haven't replied sooner. So rude of me not to say how wonderful the cat frames are. Actually have been trying to get some decent photos but have given up as they just don't stay still long enough!
Here are some and if and when I get some better ones I will send them to you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to deliver them back in June.

Hi Dave, just to say very many thanks for the delivery yesterday. What a journey you both had all the way down us. As you can see the cats are using the frames and this photo was taken about an hour after you left. They are out on them day and night when not eating or sleeping on our beds. Tabitha with her slightly gammy leg managed to get to the top of each frame and obviously down again without any trouble. Your modifications to the ramps worked well. They absolutely love them and can watch all that is going on outside from a high height. They are very well made and should last for years. I expect as you suggest we will paint the frames at some time to further extend their lives. Thank you so much for all your trouble. We can certainly recommend your frames to any cat lover who wants to give their cats more interest and exercise. All the best, Tony and Carole.

Hi David
Thanks for the frame . I enclose a photo of my kitten enjoying his sky ladder.

Hi Dave,
Just to let you know the tower arrived safely today, many thanks. The cats have all had a go, thought you'd appreciate a photo!
Best wishes,
just 2 cats, enjoying a sunny day atop their new pyramid climbing frame, does life get any better?

Thank you so much for the cat-climbing tower it is excellent.
As you can see this is our enclosure and the photos are 5 minutes after we put it in, they absolutely love it.
Our white cat Barney is deaf so it's somewhere he can go outside now and be safe.
I work in a vet practice and will definetely be recommending you to our clients if they ask about where to get climbing towers.
Your service, packaging and delivery were 5 star, as well as the climbing tower.
Many thanks
Alex (and my 7 cats!)

I have attached a photo of Hamish exploring it for the first time and will send more of both of them using it.
Once again, thanks so much

Tuffty says Yeah!
Hi David,
Just thought you might like to know that all the cats absolutely love the towers we ordered from you. Coal and Felix in Liverpool are house cats and only go in back yard, there's nothing out there for them apart from the bin, Harrys high rise hang out is perfect. We had three rescue kittens, Lionel, Lottie and Luther living there but Coal and Felix couldn't get used to them so we moved them up to mum's house in North Wales to be with Mini Molly and Cassie - they all love the three tier tower with the den, often racing each other to get to the top first!
We are delighted with the towers and are hoping to order another one from you in the near future.
Many, many thanks for the excellent service.
Kind regards,

Just got home from doing a wonderful build for a remarkable lady who is taking on 2 nervous rescue cats from the RSPCA. They have had an enclosure built just for them, and now it has been fitted out with a castle, pyramid, 5 tiers, sky ladder, and a 5 ft cat poll (not shown).
As you can see it has enriched they play area greatly. Hoping to see some photos of the cats on the frames enjoying the frames soon, (they was much too shy to come out while we was there)

Rumtumtugger Charlie Farley enjoying his brand new pyramid frame.

some lucky kittens have just been allowed in to their enclosed garden for the first time, waiting for them is a coco's, a royal mews, and a castle.
There face was one of sheer joy, as they seen the frames for the first time. they did not what to try first.

A few photos from today's installation.
the customer got in touch to say they was having a long 30ft by 8ft wide enclosure fitted, and could we fit it out with some of our frames to fit the long narrow enclosure. We was more than happy to fit some of our standard frames, castle, high rise harry, 4 tier and sky ladder. But if we left it like that there would still be quite a lot of empty space, and with the budget running tight, we got our thinking caps on, and designed some wall climbing frames to make the most of the space and help keep the cost low.
as you can see, they look great in place, only one thing missing, cats !!! no way was they coming out while we was there.

Here a few photos of the cats exploring the frames
Hi Dave
The frame is definitely a hit with Eliska and Truffle.
Thank you so much

Got the scratching post thanks 3 cats on it a flash.
ps. you do pack them well got another 4 playing with the packaging
Hi Dave
Please see attached photos of Leo and Lucy my 20 week old kittens with their stool! I hope these reach you OK.
Thank you so much for making the stool for me - this is the 1st day they have used it. I had been waiting for the weather to be cooler to assemble their new run, which is a step up from the little playpen they had previously and can be extended. Leo found he wasn't quite tall enough to climb the stool at first but with an upturned new litter tray as a ramp he managed it and can now scale it by himself! He was soon dozing happily with Lucy dozing on the base.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks again
Kind Regards

We have just received some photos from Hilary & Mark, who asked us to do a custom build the help keep their RSPCA rescue cats enriched, as they are quite young at the moment and full of life, we supplied a sky ladder to keep them supple and use the energy up, a custom Royal mews with lots of different levels theirs is something for all the cats to do. And for the more adventures members of the clan there is 2 hanging sky walk ways that simulate being up in the swaying branches of a tree.
I have only put a few of the many photos up but Hilary & Mark have set up a blog with all the photos on, and will keep the updates on.
I have a lot of time for people who take on Rescue cats, so please pop over to their blog and say hi

Hi Dave and Vicky, Apollo just wanted to say thank you for his new tree, which arrived today. He loves it already!
Photos from yesterday's delivery, showing 2 of the customers enjoying the late afternoon's sun.

Hi Cat Climbing Towers, Just to say Frank and Mabel love the cat castle. They've been climbing it today in the sun

Yesterday we did a delivery of a mews that should have taken 6 hours, but thanks to nightmare traffic ended up being 11 hours, but all worth it when we got home to find these great photo in the inbox.

We do love to get a custom build request frame a customer, something new to get our teeth in to. As you can see in the photos, the "wall shelves" are not like any frame we have made before, but I think you will agree they do makegood use of the otherwise boring wall.
As you can see they are a big hit with that customers lovely rag doll cats

Just received this great collection of photos from a customer showing all of her cats enjoying there new castle climbing frame.

My new cat climber arrived yesterday, I'm thrilled and the cats love it, especially as they can now get in and out through a different window. I would like to say a massive thank you to David of Cat-Climbiing-Towers, who made it from my sketches and brought it all the way from Birmingham. I can highly recommend him, its the second frame I have bought and the old one is still like new even out in our wet welsh weather

Hello David,
Here are a couple of photos of my fabulous Cat Tower all I stalled. The cat in the photo is my Moggy Martha. Stan my Raggy is asleep in doors. You were absolutely right, he did like the top of the tower. He is a 7.5 heavyweight and confident to make the jump. He never does this on the indoor cat tree as it doesn't feel it is steady enough.
Anyway, we are all thrilled with it and I wish I had bought one sooner.

Hi Dave
The cats are absolutely loving the new cat tree. We are really pleased with the quality and even though it should be outside we have put it in the conservatory alongside the old one for now so they have lots of places to play. We may well come back to you for another tree for outside later ☺. Our 4 year old likes to play with the cats and we don't worry about her falling off or breaking this tree!
Here are a few photos of them enjoying their 'custom castle'.
Thanks again we are really chuffed and will recommend you to our cat friends.

Hi David
Just to let you know the cat tower arrived thank you it's perfect and as you can see my cats love it a big thank you.
With kind regards Becki

One queen of the castle

Hi Dave n Vicky

It has been about 12 months since you made us a slightly bigger Harry's Hang Out for our Main Coon Agatha and she loves it even more now the better weather has arrived although she has been using in the winter . So From all of us thank you.
Best Regards

Thanks got delivering the cat tower to Humphrey this week. He is enjoying sun bathing in the top tier!
They were straight on it. I will send you better photos when they sit still.

Lovely to meet you both today. Have attached picture of the boys! They loving it!
Hello Dave,
Here are some photos as promised.
Zakki and Nisaa love it, as do a few of the neighbourhood cats!
Best wishes,

Hi David.
Thank you once again for creating the perfect climbing frame for our cats. I may need to buy more very soon as they are all fighting over who will be at the top lol.
I couldn't get all six on the castle together but I have sent the best I could.

Hi Dave and Vicky,

Hi David,
Sorry it's taken so long to send you a photo, it's taken this time to get a good one for you.
The boys are enjoying their castle!

Hi David
Thank-you ever so much the cat trees have arrived and are a big hit. I did panic when I first saw them all wrapped up thinking "that will never get through the door of the run!". Once unpacked however I had no problems getting them through the door. Here are a few pictures of them being inspected by my kitties. The one in the red medical (Elsa) was spayed on Friday hence the little outfit to protect her stitches.
Kind regards

Tedwin adores his cat tower so much that I have ordered a second smaller tower to keep indoors for him as I was carting it in and out every day. He loves playing on it, racing up and down and watching the birds in the garden. He is more than happy to share it with his best friend and neighbour Oscar. I have added an enclosed waterproof shelter near the top and he now sits in it for hours as he feels more secure hidden away when resting, being a shy boy. That's why I know he will love Harry's Retreat when it arrives.

Hello Dave

Sam and Gem got in touch, as they had an enclosure built for there Bengals, who was in some much needed exercise and enrichment in the new enclosure, due to the low height of the enclosure we had to modify a lot of our frames, to get them in. but as you can see from the photos there are enjoying their new frames, a royal mews / coco's tower / sky ladder / castle / 4 tier, all joined with inter connecting ramps.

Hello David,
We thought you might like to see Toby hanging out in his new cave !
We are keeping it indoors for a few days so the cats can get used to it. As you can see we have put in some vet bed to make it cosy.
Best regards,

Thank you again for our tower will definitely recommend! this is our Jack checking out his new perch!
One lucky chap is inspecting his new Royal Mews. when he was let in to his enclosure his eyes was so wide. he kept looking at the mews and then back to his owner and back again. as if to say, "is this really for me?"

3 wonderful photos of the play tunnel in use supplied by our friend Nicola from Cazami cat exercise wheel

Hi Dave
I've had comments from family and friends saying how well made your product is. Thanks again for all your prompt communication whilst I was ordering this product.

hi dave
I'll send a better photo later, when it's made it to the garden, but Nelson (7.5kg) is right at home. I was worried it wouldn't take his weight but it's so sturdy!

My 3 kits are enjoying their new toy!!
In the first pic, Pippin is Queen of the ladder with her little sister Ghillie Dhu a close 2nd and Brodie my black boy is tired out from his morning's antics
Thanks again and really appreciate the speedy delivery.

Hi David,
Thanks for the tower. As you can see the cat likes it too

I know I've said it before but thank you so much for the climbing tower, my two absolutely love it and are on it at every opportunity especially now the weather is picking up slightly.
This is Benji and gaga enjoying the sunshine a short while ago.
Kind regards

Hi Dave and Vicky,
Apologies that it has taken me so long to send you some photos - I decided to paint the towers which took a lot longer than anticipated what with all the rain we've had and then I never seemed to have my camera ready when the cats were posing! Here are a couple of pics of Sula and Ylva and I will forward some more when I manage to capture the others playing on the towers.

This is Pushkin. Who is quite a large cat, (coon size). And the shop brought frames, just do not last long with him, before they get all wobbly. So his owners, who have several of our frames outside contacted use to see if we could build a very unique frame for use in his conservatory.
As you can see he is loving it

The cats are loving the tower as I type molly is a sleep on the top level to Maisie disgust
Also Buzz our Netherland dwarf rabbit t loves it also !!!
Thanks for a great well built product happy cats and bunny !!!
Paul and Heather

Peaches likes her creature comforts so I've put a brolly up and a couple of furry beds!! X

Received my cat tower this morning and am very pleased with it- my 3 cats have all shown some interest here is a photo of
Tabitha and Jaycee investigating!!

Hi Dave,
The cat tower has arrived and is in place, my cats have already been on and love it.
Thanks so much for a great item,
Many thanks and kind regards,
Valentino is the larger Bengal. Olivia is the smaller Bengal and Dukie is the Ginger Mog.

We purchased a 5ft climbing tower because we are on the first floor and though we have a nice terrace for Chester our cat to play on and he adventures to other gardens... He mostly likes to sit and survey what's going on. We've a couple of look put posts in doors for him but we really wanted one for outside.
This is Stevie, he suffers from Microphthalmia and has been blind all of his life. He was adopted by matt and holly when he was 15 years old from BlueCross.
BlueCross informed them that he had been an indoor cat all of his life largely confined to two rooms. So they was keen to give him as much freedom and as many opportunities for new experiences as they could. . As well as the run of the house they discussed letting him outside with the BlueCross and started him off on a little lead and now have made the garden secure and supervise him. It's great to see him enjoy the fresh air and all the different sounds, smells and textures.
This is when they contacted us with the view of building a custom frame to meet his needs. After a few phone calls back and forth, a sketch was made (expertly done by Holly).
We set about building the frame and as you can see he really enjoys exploring his new worlds.
From matt "We thought the climber would be a great way of enhancing his experience as he can't climb unaided but is a natural explorer. The steps allow him to climb up and be closer to different things and they also challenge him and keep him physically active and we hide treats on it for him to find. (As you can see!)"
The cats are loving the new addition nelson Wellington Edith and Ana all ragdolls

Maisie was interested in the packaging and had fun with that.They both been on the tower and Maisie jumps down from the top !
very happy with the tower
We had a nice trip out to day to deliver a custom 8ft coco's, and meet a new bread for us, Ocicat , never heard of them before today. I will have to watch as Vicky fell in love with them, could soon be adding to our brood.

Claire has just sent us this lovely photo of her cars enjoying their Horatio house that they had last summer. now they are a little more grown up, claire has just ordered a 6ft high 5 tier to keep them amused. very lucky cats

Here's Oscar enjoying his new climbing frame. Happy New Year!
We had a request for a custom castle, as it was to be shared between cats and Ferrets , it was quite a challenge for us. But the photos show how well it has worked out. Loved by both the cats and ferrets.